Me and Jenny Ng xD were placed in the same group with others from different school. Then we had a lot of games outside the school and also inside the hall. Unfortunately it was raining when we were playing one of the games and majority my group members were all 99.99% wet because we walked very slowly inside the hall which was lame -.-''
Nah, all of these was juz great majority because of James Teo made all the activity became fun(he knew wad a teenager needs^^)
the arrival of guest of honour.
So yeah to tell you, i was sicked after the Leo orientation because i din go inside faster when it was raining. The games took me a lot of energy too so when i back to home, after a deep deep shower, i went to play game to use up all my energy then went to sleep :P til this morning. Dono why i cant hold up myself til late at nite yesterday to break my record T.T
Tat's all
Byebye and
God bless~
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